Friday, September 11, 2009

I Saw What You Did (1965)

Directed by: William Castle
Written by: Ursula Curtiss; William P. McGivern
Starring: John Ireland, Sara Lane, Andi Garrett, Sharyl Locke, Joan Crawford, Leif Erickson

A trio of teenage girls spend the night alone in a big old house making prank calls to people from the phonebook. They have the incredibly bad luck of calling a man who has just murdered his wife and telling him, "I saw what you did, and I know who you are!" Thinking they are serious, the killer decides to find them and do them in. Also involved in all of this is the killers amorous neighbor, played by Joan Crawford, who sticks her nose into her neighbors business one too many times.

What a great idea gone to crap. The photography is flat, the acting is beyond weak, the score was from a 1960's sitcom, and the 'thrills' are non-existent. This movie has such a foolproof concept, but the writing is contrived and convenient. I try to see a silver lining in most bad movies, especially one that features Crawford, but there's no hope for this one.

Final Verdict: Skip It

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